We went to the Great Wall Of China with our guide Jessie. It was so cool having a guide. It was way helpful because we not only actually knew where we were going, we actually learned a thing or two. When we walked there was a temple or a base for the soldiers. The Wall was built to keep the Mongolians away from stealing from China. The stairs were also really cool because the steps were staggered different heights so if any intruder got in the building they would be slower or potentially look down and not see any one coming. When we were done walking we didn’t want to take the lift down so we got to toboggan down, it was so cool. Except Grayson kept crashing into me. It was really cool and at the end of the day I got a stuffed animal panda aka Bobo.
Very cool Lincoln . Without a doubt, the Great Wall was my favorite thing in China. It is just too awesome to even try to describe. I walked up and down the walls and was sad when it was time for me to leave. I wished I could have walked from one end to the other but I know that really isn’t possible. I’m glad you had fun there.
My next favorite thing in China was the Terra Cotta Soldiers. I am sure you will see them before you come home. I wonder what you will think of them.
Miss you lots- kisses all around.