I saw this Reclining Buddha yesterday. I prayed to it. I saw people lighting incense, then they put it above their head and bowed to practice their religion. I liked it.
This is a baby worm Grayson found on his mint leaf. We were at a Thai restaurant. After I held it for a while, I brought it outside and put it on a leaf. The Thai food was so good. 😊
That is a very pretty Budda. It looks like people have left gifts of food and plants as an offering to Budda. What an interesting place to visit.
Cute little worm. I’m glad you spared his life and put him on a life outside. What a nice guy you are.
remember to look for post cards when you are out and about in Shanghai. Grandma Pat would be so thrilled to get one from you.
Love you lots – kisses all around.